A fresh look for my blog. Layout changed !!

The year 2012 was really fun and was a prosperous year in my personal & professional life. Had wrote many articles, created many videos, participated in User Group Meetings, delivered sessions, visited places, met Industry experts and the best of all, me and my wife blessed with a cute little angel baby girl.

Talking about my views & passion, I always wanted to update the layout of my blog not because it was ugly but it was outdated and heavy. I wanted it to be light, usable and responsive to some extent. It took me around two months to put the things in place. Finally I am done customizing the layout of my blog. I almost had to rewrite the entire page stuff. I hardly wrote something on my blog in the last two months. I felt bad, used to curse myself for not being able to write any thing for so long. However, I am happy now with the new layout and now it feels so fresh & decent and the blog is all set to rock in year 2013.

In an attempt to make it better, I had to remove a few ads which were earning some money for me but was really annoying the readers. Also, have modified the color scheme to make the readers feel as though they are reading a newspaper. Well, I was happy with the Discuss commenting system but always felt it heavy & a performance killer. Just replaced it with Facebook commenting system. It should be okay now. Let me see how it goes.

Menu has been restructured now. Readers can now find the posts based on the category that interests them. Many times I received emails & appreciations from readers saying the quality of the video tutorials on my blog were good. I could not believe it myself as I am really poor in making videos & screencast recordings. The support shown by my friends and readers always motivated me to write something Interesting. The video channel has been added as a widget in the sidebar of blog to make it easily accessible.

I wish you all a Happy and prosperous New Year ahead. I suggest you guys adding a New Year resolution to Learn & share tech stuff. Wish I could learn more in the year to come. Happy Reading.
Once again, thanks for all your comments, opinions, support, reactions, likes and tweets. Have a fantastic year ahead. Keep an eye on my blog!!

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